Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sam Girls are Fucking Nuts

I find it interesting and rather childish on their part that Sam girls are coming here, to my personal blog, to see just what I say about Jared Pada-Fucktard.

Huh, I thought that blogs were places you could come to say what you wanted, to be yourself without the fear of anyone reading it, calling you out on it or taking it back to another site to huddle with the other Sam girls and weep and cry at the injustice of it all because I, deans fetish, DO NOT LIKE Jared Padalecki. *gasps* Oh the shame of it! I am sure that right now, he is at home weeping because I do not like him. *eyeroll* (I'm not sure I can get much more sarcastic than that.)

I guess that in the end, the only thing I have to say is, if you are that obsessed with finding the "bad things" I say about Jared, then you really don't have a life. And stop googling me you asshats, it's ridiculous, childish and pathetic.

Monday, February 18, 2013

And this is supposed to be coming from "a friend" Pfft!

deans_fetish: So apparently I am losing people off my LJ because of the stance I have taken with fandom.

devilstrapfarm: Really.

deans_fetish: Oh she went off on me let me tell ya. Simmy, I mean. For no good reason.


deans_fetish: Miss blueeyes defriended me

deans_fetish: LOL Makes me laugh

Simmy: I'm not surprised, I doubt she'll be the last one to do so either

deans_fetish: deans_fetish: *shrugs* Why because I am not on the J2 bandwagon?

deans_fetish: Pfft! Grow the fuck up people

deans_fetish: And why are you not surprised?

Simmy: *shrugs* because you're becoming increasingly isolationist due to your views, I'm not saying that you should believe what everyone else believes in but by the same token don't be shocked when people jump ship because of it that's all

deans_fetish: deans_fetish: What do international affairs have to do with anything.

deans_fetish: Isolationist - I looked it up.

Simmy: international affairs have nothing to do with it, not really, I was trying to make a comparison, in your case it's not international affairs that you're wanting to distance yourself from but from fandom affairs

deans_fetish: deans_fetish: I'm not distancing myself from fandom affairs.

deans_fetish: I am distancing myself from people who are so fucking lost that they actually think Jared and Jensen are screwing despite their wives and babies.

deans_fetish: And I am distancing myself from anyone who has anything to do with Jared PAdalecki

Simmy: and those are parts of fandom, love 'em or hate 'em, agree or disagree, they are, they exist, and you're withdrawing into your own little tiny corner in the hopes of avoiding them

deans_fetish: deans_fetish: Not really

deans_fetish: there is a large segment of fandom that believes the same things I do

deans_fetish: It's called the Dean girls and Castiel girls

deans_fetish: And I only defriended winsangel because she was going so over the damn top that it was just annoying to deal with

deans_fetish: deans_fetish: Not really

deans_fetish: there is a large segment of fandom that believes the same things I do

deans_fetish: It's called the Dean girls and Castiel girls

deans_fetish: And I only defriended winsangel because she was going so over the damn top that it was just annoying to deal with

deans_fetish: deans_fetish: I'm not a sheep and definitely not a Jared Padafucktard sheep sorry

devilstrapfarm: wow.

devilstrapfarm: You are NOT an isolationist.

deans_fetish: I have no idea what the hell that even means

deans_fetish: I had to look it up. *hides face*

deans_fetish: I still am not totally sure what the hell she was trying to say with that.

devilstrapfarm: She was using it in terms of someone who is distancing themselves from parts of society or society as a whole.

devilstrapfarm: In this case....fandom

deans_fetish: Pfft when have I ever done that?

devilstrapfarm: People are taking your stance as you are distancing yourself from the fandom in hopes that the "others" will just go away.

deans_fetish: Taking my stance? What stance?

deans_fetish: That I hate fucking Jared Padalecki?

devilstrapfarm: "Those" people...i think...feel offended that someone such as yourself who writes J2 etc would feel that way and be so vocal about it.

deans_fetish: HAHA well guess what, this is me baby. I say what I think. Get the fuck over it

devilstrapfarm: I agree. The people that think J2 is real...still scare me. I mean do they not know the difference between reality and fantasy.

deans_fetish: Exactly what I was saying. And actually I already posted that I am not going to write it anymore. I am going to finish up my fictions and then I am done with it.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Stupid ignorant people

Kel you are so stupid, I swear to God.
J2 IS NOT REAL you ignorant stupid little sheep! They are fucking with your heard you retarded fangirl and sucker that you are, you are buying it, hook, line and sinker!!! *headdesks repeatedly*

Oh and another thing Cha and Takacshedi and Cherry916 if you are going to make a Jared/Sam site that you do not want this big bad Dean girl in...make sure you check to see if I have a sock puppet account, dumbasses!

I am so sick and tired...

If I have to hear about how "cute" Thomas Colton Padalecki is again I am going to SCREAM!
First off, no he isn't. The poor child has his mother's eyes so he looks frickin' cross-eyed. Secondly, West is a million times cuter than that child will ever hope to be. And third, Maison and babyAckles are on their way into the limelight, TCP is going to be just like his father will be after Supernatural ends - FORGOTTEN.
NOT the cutest kid in the world. He was cursed with his mother's eyes which make him (just as they do her) look slightly mentally handicapped.

Bye Bye Jared Bye Bye

And to make matters worse, or at least to make me despise the fucker more, Jared Padalecki is not a Christian and he makes fun of Christians as being uneducated and stupid. Nice, Jared. Well at least I won't have to worry about having to spend eternity listening to your ass in Heaven, you'll be down under where people like you belong. And nope, not judging, just know what the Bible says about unbelievers. See ya, Jared. Take some sunscreen, you're gonna need it.

My Blog

After pondering what I could do to vent my frustration at the two faced, J2 believing, Sam worshiping, stupid ass fucktards that are in the Supernatural fandom, I decided to revive my blog so that I would have a place where I can say; "I hate Jared motherfucking Padalecki! He is a self absorbed, vain, self righteous, son of a bitch who can not act to save his live (he has absolutely NO talent and Jensen and Misha carry his ass on the show all the damn time) and he is so damn dumb that he wouldn't be able to find his way out of a paper bag."

And NO, J2 isn't real! Jensen Ross Ackles loves his beautiful wife Danneel Harris-Ackles. They are going to have a baby together. He does not fantasize about having his dick up Jared's nasty ass nor does he think about Jared having that crotch rot infested noodle of a dick (that Jared has) up his. So grow the fuck up, stop being so goddamn stupid and get a motherfucking life you stupid fucktard women...and I use the term 'women' loosely.

Also, Kelly, yes I am hostile I am hostile because the show that I once loved has gone to hell in a hand-basket. I am hostile because every damn storyline is given to Sam Winchester on a fucking platter. I am hostile because dumbass bitches like you only exacerbate the problems with this fandom having your head so far up Jared's ass it's a wonder that you don't die what with the rancid farts the man has. Yes, I am hostile, you better fucking well believe it, bitch.