Saturday, February 16, 2013

I am so sick and tired...

If I have to hear about how "cute" Thomas Colton Padalecki is again I am going to SCREAM!
First off, no he isn't. The poor child has his mother's eyes so he looks frickin' cross-eyed. Secondly, West is a million times cuter than that child will ever hope to be. And third, Maison and babyAckles are on their way into the limelight, TCP is going to be just like his father will be after Supernatural ends - FORGOTTEN.
NOT the cutest kid in the world. He was cursed with his mother's eyes which make him (just as they do her) look slightly mentally handicapped.


  1. It's the same people who go on and on about how "beautiful" and "stunning" Genevieve is. Uh, no. It's obvious most of them do it to kiss up to him. I agree with you, to me Thomas looks like... a baby. I remember when someone asked Jensen who he looks like and he said that very thing ("What does he look like? A baby."). Right on, Jensen.

  2. OMG she is so frickin' ugly! I do not understand that at all. I mean, I tried, I really really did, tried to find something, anything pretty about her and I came up with nothing. Not even a little bit. Just pure, plain and simple NOTHING. *shudders*

    Haha, yeah, he looks like a baby, but the poor thing was screwed from the jump having Genevieve for a mother. *shakes head* I feel bad for the kid.

  3. I don't either, they really need glasses. Even a friend of mine who thought she was seriously ugly saw her at one of the cons and was all "OMG Gen is so cute and tiny and pretty I love her!!!" I really think they're sucking up to Jared, like if they gush about her it will make them special in his eyes. *eyeroll* I can't come up with anything either.


  4. OMFG Yeah, I have seen her and yeah, she is tiny - short. *shrugs* Big damn deal. Half the people I know are short and just as tiny. hell I am even smaller and you don't hear people running to climb onto my bandwagon do you? No. It's all the Padadelusion. They think that if they are nice to that THING he is married to that Jared will suddenly LOVE them. Hate to break it to them but I doubt Jared is capable of loving much of anyone or anything other than himself.
