Saturday, February 16, 2013

Bye Bye Jared Bye Bye

And to make matters worse, or at least to make me despise the fucker more, Jared Padalecki is not a Christian and he makes fun of Christians as being uneducated and stupid. Nice, Jared. Well at least I won't have to worry about having to spend eternity listening to your ass in Heaven, you'll be down under where people like you belong. And nope, not judging, just know what the Bible says about unbelievers. See ya, Jared. Take some sunscreen, you're gonna need it.


  1. What also really pisses me off about this is he probably thinks he can get away with it if he happens to state it indirectly, like RTing or favoriting someone else's tweet. Sorry Jared, it's the same damned thing. I remember being really pissed when he said something about it at a con about a year ago. Someone asked about religion on the show and how it affects their own beliefs. She said "I've heard you guys are non-demoninational Christians..." Jared started running away with it and opining about how he's "more spiritual than religious", and how he thinks religion divides us more than unites us. Jensen said to him "I think that's the smartest thing I've ever heard you say." Some people took that to mean Jensen agreed with him, but I saw the video and I think he was just being snarky. I think it's hilarious how Jared says we shouldn't judge people, yet he does it himself. I even posted in my LJ about it. I hope he gets some backlash from this somehow like he did on Twitter after the election, but I guess it won't happen.. Oh well, I'm done with him.

  2. He won't because he has those freakin' Sam girls shoved so far up his ass they can't hear due to the size of those ass cheeks muffling their ears.

    I look forward to two main things right now when it comes to Mr. Padafucktard, 1) the end of Supernatural when I get to sit back and laugh wickedly as he is all but forgotten. And 2) Judgement Day, when what he said about Christians comes back to bite him in the ass. Not that he would likely feel it with all those Sam girls shoved up there, but still....

  3. Absolutely right. They enable him. Whatever comes out of his mouth they praise him for and worship him as a god who can do no wrong. I remember something like that happening with an actor I liked in another fandom. The guy had so many apologists it was ridiculous. He said some pretty stupid things, but nowhere near as bad as Jared. I guess he still kinda respected his fans...

    *nods* He's so hypocritical too. I remember watching a video from the 100th episode party and he was talking about playing Lucifer and about how he read in the Bible about Lucifer, etc. He read the Bible?? I don't even want to know what he thinks of it...

  4. Yeah, he probably read the kids edition of the Bible. Or maybe Genevieve showed him flashcards...on her chest. LMAO
