Monday, February 18, 2013

And this is supposed to be coming from "a friend" Pfft!

deans_fetish: So apparently I am losing people off my LJ because of the stance I have taken with fandom.

devilstrapfarm: Really.

deans_fetish: Oh she went off on me let me tell ya. Simmy, I mean. For no good reason.


deans_fetish: Miss blueeyes defriended me

deans_fetish: LOL Makes me laugh

Simmy: I'm not surprised, I doubt she'll be the last one to do so either

deans_fetish: deans_fetish: *shrugs* Why because I am not on the J2 bandwagon?

deans_fetish: Pfft! Grow the fuck up people

deans_fetish: And why are you not surprised?

Simmy: *shrugs* because you're becoming increasingly isolationist due to your views, I'm not saying that you should believe what everyone else believes in but by the same token don't be shocked when people jump ship because of it that's all

deans_fetish: deans_fetish: What do international affairs have to do with anything.

deans_fetish: Isolationist - I looked it up.

Simmy: international affairs have nothing to do with it, not really, I was trying to make a comparison, in your case it's not international affairs that you're wanting to distance yourself from but from fandom affairs

deans_fetish: deans_fetish: I'm not distancing myself from fandom affairs.

deans_fetish: I am distancing myself from people who are so fucking lost that they actually think Jared and Jensen are screwing despite their wives and babies.

deans_fetish: And I am distancing myself from anyone who has anything to do with Jared PAdalecki

Simmy: and those are parts of fandom, love 'em or hate 'em, agree or disagree, they are, they exist, and you're withdrawing into your own little tiny corner in the hopes of avoiding them

deans_fetish: deans_fetish: Not really

deans_fetish: there is a large segment of fandom that believes the same things I do

deans_fetish: It's called the Dean girls and Castiel girls

deans_fetish: And I only defriended winsangel because she was going so over the damn top that it was just annoying to deal with

deans_fetish: deans_fetish: Not really

deans_fetish: there is a large segment of fandom that believes the same things I do

deans_fetish: It's called the Dean girls and Castiel girls

deans_fetish: And I only defriended winsangel because she was going so over the damn top that it was just annoying to deal with

deans_fetish: deans_fetish: I'm not a sheep and definitely not a Jared Padafucktard sheep sorry

devilstrapfarm: wow.

devilstrapfarm: You are NOT an isolationist.

deans_fetish: I have no idea what the hell that even means

deans_fetish: I had to look it up. *hides face*

deans_fetish: I still am not totally sure what the hell she was trying to say with that.

devilstrapfarm: She was using it in terms of someone who is distancing themselves from parts of society or society as a whole.

devilstrapfarm: In this case....fandom

deans_fetish: Pfft when have I ever done that?

devilstrapfarm: People are taking your stance as you are distancing yourself from the fandom in hopes that the "others" will just go away.

deans_fetish: Taking my stance? What stance?

deans_fetish: That I hate fucking Jared Padalecki?

devilstrapfarm: "Those" people...i think...feel offended that someone such as yourself who writes J2 etc would feel that way and be so vocal about it.

deans_fetish: HAHA well guess what, this is me baby. I say what I think. Get the fuck over it

devilstrapfarm: I agree. The people that think J2 is real...still scare me. I mean do they not know the difference between reality and fantasy.

deans_fetish: Exactly what I was saying. And actually I already posted that I am not going to write it anymore. I am going to finish up my fictions and then I am done with it.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I hope you are all right or better (I read about the comments you received at you lj, a real nasty experience). Sorry to contact you here, I know it's not the place, but I didn't know where to write you.
    Well, I write you because I wanted to ask you about a story you wrote a few years ago "On my knees", I really really really like it the first time I read it when you posted it at bottom_sammy. But when I was looking for it a few months ago at the lj where were only your fics I couldn't find it - and now I coudn't even find that lj. I don't know if you still have it somewhere, but if you do I was hoping you could send me a copy to, please, please, pretty please? (and if You finished the sequel, I know it's kind of opportunistic from me, but could you send it too?).
    If you don't, well... thanks anyway.
    take care
